
“Everything will be OK in the end
and if it ain’t OK, then it ain’t the end

This is what swagger sounds like! The lyrics read suspiciously like a replay of the well publicized antagonism between the Gallagher brothers. The video certainly seems to be a message of accusation, retribution and finality – burning things down.

Here is Liam – on a journey, striding through the rust belt, the ghost towns and the civil unrest. Is this how he sees his inner life, or is it a message for society at large, or for us all as individuals? The words seem to warn of old-style Catholic purgatory:

You’re gonna burn until you behave

Maybe the shame will open your eyes

Perhaps he is being prophetic and warning of the inevitable consequences of the betrayal of relationships and of truth, whether personal or in society. Here’s a positive message in the Bible:

It is truly wonderful
when relatives live together
in peace

Psalm 133
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