Something In The Air

This is just great music from the 60s. Produced by Pete Townsend of The Who, it was a one hit wonder for the band, but oh my – listen to the influences:

  • the ‘falling bass line’ guitar riffs at ~0:30, ~0.55 and ~1:35 carry echoes of ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’ from the Beatles White album
  • ascending strings at the end of the piano section at ~2:50 remind me of the orchestral crescendo of ‘A Day In The Life’ on the Beatles Sergeant Pepper album
  • at ~3:20 there is a motif from the French national anthem, La Marseillaise – which was also used in the Beatles song ‘All You Need Is Love’.

The song is a call to action and sums up the idealistic sense of duty felt at the time by so many young people (the long-haired hippies): that there was an obligation to make the world a better place and the time was now.

I am convinced that something deeply spiritual happened in the 1960s and expressed itself through the popular music of the period and this is a prime example. I think God was speaking through this song, and still is, if you listen right.

“I have much more to say to you …”

Jesus (John 16:12-13)

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